The questions you should ask with qual and quant data in UX content research


Qualitative (Qual) Data:

Subjective information can be hard to represent in numbers. Measuring user’s feelings and opinions about the qualities of a product. This “data” comes from focus groups, interviews.

Quantitative (Quant) Data:

Metrics that can be counted and measured in numbers or values. How many clicked? How many filled out a form? “Hard” data, measureable actions.

In general, your research should seek to answer some (or all) of these questions:


  • How do users feel about the brand promises?

  • How do users feel about the product value proposition?

  • How would users would describe the qualities of your feature, product, or brand?

  • How would users describe your product voice? (Does it match what you intended?)

  • Do users respond well to contextual terms used throughout the UI?

  • Do users see themselves in the terms used to describe them?


  • What percentage of users are successfully completing tasks?

  • What percentage of users enter the sales funnel and make it all the way to a purchase?

  • What percentage of users successfully make it past transition points, like clicking from a landing page to a checkout flow, or from your onboarding screens to your first task flow?

  • from the UX Writer’s Collective course on Content Research and Testing Methods


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