A scholar’s digital library with unique context requirements

The Challenge:

  • It was imperative to show that this type of library is organized book by book into certain sections with multiple scholarly commentaries through the library collections.

  • Existing digital libraries did not provide the needed UI

  • Multiple stakeholders and cross-channel teams had differing ideas.

The Work:

  • Market research, personas, and user journeys to make sure I was approaching this project with the user in mind.

  • Building out user flows and key pages for functionality, and working with a core team to refine the interaction design to meet the unique context, search, and filter requirements.

The Outcome:

  • Success. Stakeholders were excited by the wireframes that featured many unique interactive components to showcase the specialty of this scholar’s library.

  • The project is green-lit.

  1. UX Research & Strategy dev:

  • This project had stakeholders who weren’t yet on the same page

  • There was no existing model previously and

  • 100% of existing digital libraries did not provide the functions we needed to build for.

2. Gathering information: stakeholder interviews, market research, art boards, personas, and user journeys:

  • Most digital libraries had good reference points but none had the issue we had to solve for, which was showing the context of book placements in various collections up to five levels deep, as well as related discussion materials to that book.

4. Building out interactive components for page specific needs

5. Building mid-fidelity wireframes in Figma

3. Building out the information architecture in a sitemap, a navigation model and user flow:

  • Using the navigation and user flows as a guide, and with weekly stakeholder input and review, I built out key pages of the website to create an interactive prototype.

As UX Lead, here was my Process :

6. Result:

Stakeholder success! The project has been green-lit.

Being flexible with iterations of complicated components and helpful scholarly input is what led to the success of the prototype. We created several pathways to access information from various collections from different entry points to accommodate how a user would learn and search.

Because this is a digital library with a unique context this was the key factor to the prototype’s success.



Client work start to finish at ROI DNA, a SF Digital Marketing Agency